
Duke User Guide



Track tasks

Able to keep track of 3 types of tasks:

Complete tasks

Able to mark tasks as done.

Search tasks

Able to filter tasks with a certain keyword.

Delete tasks

Able to delete tasks from the task list.


Able to tell you how many tasks you completed already.


bye - Exits Duke

Closes the program.

Usage ‘bye’

todo - Adds a to do task

Adds a to do task into the task list.

Usage ‘todo '

event - Adds an event task

Adds an event task with a given description and date.

Usage: event <description> /at <date>

deadline - Adds a deadline task

Adds a deadline task with a given description and date.

Usage: deadline <description> /by <date>

list - Lists all the tasks

Lists all the tasks in task list.

Usage: list

done - Marks a task as done

Marks the task of the id as done.

Usage: done <id>

delete - Deletes a task

Deletes the task of the id.

Usage: delete <id>

find - Filters task

Filters the task list with the given keyword.

Usage: find <keyword>

statistics - Display statistics

Displays the number of tasks completed so far.

Usage: ‘statistics’